Contact Shades Dermatology

To book your next appointment with one of our Dermatologists, either follow the booking link below, or call during office hours & our friendly staff will assist you.

Phone: (07) 3184 3442

Get in Contact

Please use our online contact form for non-urgent enquiries only. Our reception staff will review your enquiry within normal business hours, and will get in contact with you as necessary.

Please note that this form should not be used in an emergency or to seek medical advice. In an emergency call Triple Zero (000) or attend your nearest Hospital Emergency Department.


Caring for skin of all Shades.

Book your consultation at Shades Dermatology

To book your next appointment with one of our Dermatologists, either Request an Appointment by following the link below, or call (07) 3184 3442 during office hours & our friendly staff will assist you.